Why trade crypto with us?

  • Hassle-free
    Manage your crypto trading on an easy-to-use platform and don’t worry about crypto wallets, cold storage or recovery seeds.
  • Flexible
    Go long or short with leverage to capitalise on rapid price movements, or invest long-term in crypto on mobile or desktop.
  • Secure
    Keep your focus on price movement. You don’t own or store the coins, so you don’t need to worry about crypto exchange hacks or losing access.
  • Trusted
    Trade with a licensed and regulated bank that protects your funds, on a reliable platform fine-tuned over 25 years.

Risk transparency

Cryptocurrencies have become known for their extreme fluctuations in prices. While there is potential for significant gains, please understand the risks before investing.

  • Security
    With crypto markets still largely unregulated, they can be prone to market manipulation. Hackers have also gained unauthorised access to digital wallets and crypto exchanges in the past.
  • Liquidity
    Most bitcoins are held by a small number of investors, and many platforms and exchanges trade on their own books. In a sales rush, liquidity issues could leave investors sidelined with rapidly falling prices.
  • Boom or burst
    The parabolic price increases of cryptocurrencies are largely driven by speculation rather than intrinsic value. The first crypto bubble burst spectacularly in 2018, suggesting history could repeat itself.
  • High volatility
    In 2017 bitcoin’s value soared by more than 1,000%, before losing 80% of its value in early 2018. Since the start of 2019, it has climbed more than 800% as of January 1st 2021, spurred on by large corporations’ entry into the crypto space.

    Ways to trade crypto with us

    Choose a product that suits your strategy and risk appetite

    Crypto FX

    cfx  Crypto FX

    Take advantage of short-term volatility with leverage

    Wide choice of crypto crosses

    Trade bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and more against the major fiat currencies. Trading Crypto FX pairs means you don’t have to exchange between currencies when it’s time to cash out. We offer BTC, ETH and LTC against USD, EUR or JPY.

    Take advantage of rising and falling markets

    Don't limit yourself to bull markets. Go long or short and trade the market in either direction.

    Increase your buying power

    Trade Crypto FX pairs with leverage to increase your purchasing power and maximise your exposure to potential gains. Please note that leverage also amplifies potential losses as well as gains.


      Crypto ETPs

    Take a long-term view with unleveraged exchange traded products (ETPs)

    The simple way to diversify your portfolio with crypto

    Invest over the long-term with crypto ETPs. Buy and hold just like you would with stocks. We offer ETNs and ETFs on bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, tezos and others.

    A more cost-efficient way to buy and hold

    Avoid interest and roll-over fees with ETPs, if you want to make cryptocurrencies a long-term component of your portfolio.

    Manage your risk

    Crypto markets can be notoriously volatile. ETPs aren't traded with leverage, so you can’t lose more than you invest, even in the event of a drop in crypto prices.